Tuesday, July 27, 2010

We Want to Walk Now!

Harrison has recently taken to pushing forcefully on our legs and trying to scale up and over our shoulders when we are holding him. He gets really into it and actually seems extremely frustrated that this is not yet working out for him! He gets similarly frustrated these days during tummy time---mad that his body is not allowing him to do yet what he wants to do! We're starting to wonder if he will skip over crawling and go straight to running here in a few months!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Pictures from this week

Here is a link to some great new pictures of Harrison. His neck is getting really strong!http://www.flickr.com/photos/51095697@N05/sets/72157624490097606


On July 7, 2010, Harrison's cousin Owen Matthew was born! Harrison got to meet Owen for the first time last night and they are becoming fast friends. Amy's family is thrilled to welcome Owen into the world and that Kelly and Owen are home safe and sound!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Growing and Changing

People always talk about how fast babies grow and change, and we are certainly learning to appreciate that fact! Lately, it feels like we can almost watch Harrison grow before our very eyes. The most notable change has been his voice! He now utilizes a whole range of noises and we are having so much fun hearing and imitating these sounds. He is definitely "cooing," but he also has a slight giggle and sometimes even squeals. He especially enjoys it when Tom makes funny faces! He also likes to yell now, which is interesting. He is doing this now at times instead of crying, usually when he just wants to be held.

Harrison is really gaining strength, especially in his legs! He likes to push off of our laps when we hold him vertically and is able to hold his head up for more prolonged periods of time. But we are having the most fun watching Harrison start to take notice of the world around him. Whether it's his mobile (a big hit!) or just our goofy faces, he is so curious and wants to observe! He loves to look at ceiling fans and really enjoys his play mat that has various toys hanging down from above. We also have been reading books every night before bed. While he obviously does not understand the words, he seems to enjoy the pictures and just cuddling up with us before bed. He is very cuddly, by the way! He loves to nuzzle us and bury his head in our shoulder and chest.

Harrison is still eating and sleeping very well! He is going for longer periods of time at night in between feedings---last night he slept for 7 hours straight!!! We're still not on a very consistent nap routine during the day, but he definitely does not have his days and nights confused, which we feel great about!

Every day is an adventure with Harrison, and we can't wait to see what changes tomorrow will bring!