Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Keeping Busy

As you probably guessed, Harrison started walking for-real since our last post. Just in the last couple of weeks, he has started to prefer walking to crawling and he is getting better at it everyday. He has also learned how to strategically fall when he loses his balance, so that helps too! Now that he has walking figured out, it has been amazing to watch his other skills develop by the day. His verbal skills are getting better and better, and we notice him starting to mimic us more. He is also really developing his fine motor skills and seems to really like to organize (Yay, says mom!) He seems to really enjoy putting things in their containers and then dumping them out to start all over again! And, our favorite new developments are the clap and the wave. Waving is still very new, but it is so cute and he is very proud of himself!

We have had a great time this last month catching up with old friends and enjoying these long summer days together. Todd, Ali, and Ryan were kind enough to let us celebrate Memorial Day with them at the Lake, and as you can see from the new pics, we all had a great time. Their dog Callie REALLY enjoyed all the food that Harrison was kind enough to feed her during our stay! Harrison enjoyed his first boat ride and loved hanging out with Ryan.

Harrison also got a chance to stay with Aunt Katie and Uncle Brian one night this month so that Mom and Dad could attend an out-of-town wedding. As the pictures clearly show, they had a lot of fun together and Harrison was so sad to see them go the next day!

It's been a really fun month and we are enjoying the chance to get out of the house more this summer! We are also very excited to celebrate Johnny and Owen's birthdays soon. These boys are all developing such distinct personalities and it is an honor to watch them grow up together.