Sunday, September 2, 2012

I Did It!

This is Harrison's most often used new phrase lately.  He continues to assert his independence and is so proud to do things for himself, whether it is pouring his own milk, getting dressed, or putting bread in the toaster.  We are slowly learning how to give him the tools to be as independent as possible, while  maintaining his safety!  Everything we do takes a little bit longer these days, but we are happy to be patient and let him work through it.  He is so proud to do things on his own and we avoid tantrums this way!

Along with this independence has come an entirely new vocabulary and actual sentence structure in his speech.  It has been so much fun to communicate and we are learning a little more each day what a hilarious and sweet personality our little boy has.  While he is definitely independent, he is equally affectionate---he loves to cuddle up and read and to give us hugs and kisses.  And his sense of humor is really starting to come through.

In other developmental news, Harrison is starting to count!  Granted, he usually skips numbers here and there, but he is definitely getting the hang of it.  He also really likes to sing (by himself, of course) and give himself a big round of applause when he is through. 

We continue to enjoy the warm (ok, really hot) weather as Fall approaches and had a great time at our first KU Football game this weekend!  We've uploaded some fun pictures from the last month, including a trip to the Aquarium with Johnny, the game, playing with trains, and enjoying the backyard.