Thursday, May 31, 2012


Harrison has long enjoyed his chips and dip. But this evening, he learned to express his passion for this food group by shouting "salsa!"

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Well, since our last post we have flown on a plane for the first time, celebrated Mother’s Day, celebrated Harrison’s birthday, and enjoyed a nice long Memorial Day weekend with family and friends. Lots of new pictures to share from all the festivities! Amy had a fabulous Mother’s Day because she was able to sleep in and then spend a leisurely day hanging out with Harrison and planting flowers!

Harrison’s birthday was so much fun. He was able to celebrate with his family, including both cousins, at the Train Park. The weather was great and he was able to try out some new outdoor toys like his lawn mower (also a new favorite thing to say) and tee-ball set. After his party, he kept singing “happy, happy, happy,” and telling us that he is 2! The celebration continued with a little party at daycare the following Monday. The kids celebrated with popsicles and Harrison had a blast.

Last weekend was a treat also—we got to catch up with friends and family and Harrison had lots of fun playtime. He loves being outside and getting wet!

Harrison is really talking up a storm these days.  He's putting multiple words together and getting really good at telling us what he wants!  He has learned to insert the words "I need" before the items he is after and gives us a very cute concerned face when asking.  As you can imagine, it's getting harder and harder to say "no" to him - especially when he says "I need more cake."