We sincerely apologize for the delay in getting our pictures posted from Christmas this year! Our family is just starting to feel like we've gotten back into a normal routine this week after several short workweeks and a day care hiatus! Fortunately, this year we were all healthy and able to fully enjoy and appreicate Christmas with our families. Suffice it to say that Harrison was a professional gift opener by the end of Christmas day. He is having so much fun with all of his new toys and there were so many! We have to admit that this was the most fun we have had at Christmas since we were little kids ourselves. It was amazing to see Harrison's face light up, whether it was from the Christmas lights or the songs at church, or the gift wrap and toys he received. We had a blast.
In other news, Harrison is starting to jabber away and, as if he wasn't busy enough, he is finding new chores around the house to keep himself occupied. He can say "help" now, so that is coming in very handy. And he now has a step stool, which he carries around with him to reach light switches and the sink (he loves to wash his hands). It is so funny to watch because he even takes the stool back to the bathroom when he is done to put it away.
Harrison has also discovered the fine art of wrestling. He absolutely loves to wrestle with his Dad. He squeals with delight as he tackles Tom and rams him with his head! They are having a ton of fun together. While Harrison likes to wrestle occassionally with Mom, you are much more likely to find them enjoying a book together, or working on a puzzle. And he is a very cuddly little boy with Mom, giving her the best squeezes and making her heart melt on a daily basis.
We are attaching a great little video that highlights another recent Harrison achievement: opening doors. We are working hard to keep up with him and enjoying every day!