Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy New Year

The three of us are trying to settle back into normal routines after an amazing few weeks of family and holidays.  Thanks to the first snow of the year, Harrison’s winter holiday started a bit early – keeping him out of school for almost two weeks!  A healthy mix of holiday time-off and planned vacation time for Tom and Amy provided a rare opportunity for us all to relax together.  We had fun at the park in the snow (impossible to keep Harrison off the slide), attended various Christmas gatherings family, and had an unforgettable Christmas breakfast, which was “prepared” by Harrison in his new play kitchen.  Harrison is especially fond of his new trucks and trains, always lining them up.

We had to get pretty creative after the first several days home with Harrison, and Tom and he had a few fun adventures.  One day they went to the aquarium so that Harrison could see the fish, stingrays, and lobsters (he really liked the lobsters but called them “grasshoppers”).  Another day, they went to an indoor gym center for kids.  This was two hours of climbing apparatuses, hula-hoops, trampoline floors, and watching other little kids going berserk!

As sad as we are that this amazing winter holiday season is coming to an end, we are all very excited for what 2013 will bring for our family!