Monday, May 27, 2013

Busy May

It is very hard to believe that May is almost over.  It has been a busy month that has just flown by for our family.  We celebrated Mother's Day, Harrison's birthday, Memorial Day, and lots of little Natalie milestones.  It is also the month that Natalie's adoption became final!  Yay!  On top of all that, we are at ground zero of potty training Harrison.  He is doing really well, but as you can imagine, potty training a 3 year old and caring for a newborn makes our house feel a little chaotic at times.  We are pooped! Sorry, couldn't resist that one...

In other news, Harrison continues to relish his role as big brother and is so sweet to his little sister.  He loves to give her kisses and make her smile.  He had a fabulous third birthday that actually lasted the entire week.  He received lots of new outside toys that he is very excited about, most notably, a new bike.  It's a little big for him yet, but he enjoys riding it and letting Tom push him for now.  He also adores his new grill--he loves preparing us burgers and dogs for our "picnics" on the back porch now that the weather is nice.  Today, he enjoyed his first Royals game with Dad, Uncle Ryan, and Johnny.  

Natalie is growing so fast!  She is in the 90th percentile for both height and weight and she is smiling and cooing a lot now.  Her biggest smile by far is reserved for Daddy when he gets home at the end of the day.  Nothing else quite like it!  She also really loves kisses and belly tickles.  And...drum roll...she slept through the night for the first time last night!  Not sure yet if it was an anomaly, or if we are on to something, but she is definitely sleeping for longer stretches, so we are hopeful that we are about there.

Looking forward to a nice and relaxing (hopefully) June with the kids before Amy goes back to work.  Be sure to check out the Flickr feed and happy summer everyone!  

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