Monday, November 7, 2016

Fall Fun 2016

We have been making the most of our unseasonably warm weather this Fall.  The kids are thriving at school and we’re all keeping busy.  We can't believe the school year is already one quarter of the way done.

Halloween was big hit this year.  Harrison was a Red Power Ranger, and Natalie was a black cat.  A very excited black cat!  She was at the front of the pack running to house to house.

Both kids had fun with school parties and parades, and we gathered with neighborhood friends and family for trick or treating.  

Harrison and Tom went to the first KU football game of the year.  The Jayhawks won and that doesn’t happen very often.  Harrison was most impressed with the band and the popcorn!

Natalie had an absolute blast at our neighborhood’s Fall Festival this year.  They block off the streets and the kids have a blast.  Harrison has enjoyed this the last few years, but this is the first year that Natalie seemed to really take it all in.

We took a family trip to a local pumpkin patch and apple mill.  The tractors and pumpkins were great, but the apple donuts stole the show!

Natalie has started playing soccer too.  She’s on a team (the “Navy Seals”) with a few other kids from her school class.  She’s the only girl on the team right now but has no problem holding her own.  She still likes to come over for “huggy breaks” now and again, but she is having fun and getter more used to the event each week.

Natalie definitely has a big brother and isn’t afraid to get dirty.  She loves to go down to the creek and throw rocks in the water.  Sometimes we’re even lucky enough to see ducks!

Harrison has been doing yard work this fall.  It’s pretty funny, and surprisingly helpful!  He can mow the front yard with close supervision, and likes to use the shovel.  We had to laugh when he said “you know this is hard work, but sometimes you have to do hard work even if you don’t want to.”  

We're all doing good and having fun.  We all keep each other busy and happy!

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